Whether you’re a mom, coach, business professional or all three, we all want to feel our best and reach our full potential—and having adequate energy is essential to both. 

Energy Levels Affect Your Mood and Motivation

When we have energy, we get more out of our day. We’re more productive. We show up better for ourselves and others. We have the inner resources to do the things we want and need to do, which makes us feel happier, more fulfilled, and accomplished. 

When we lack energy, it’s hard to do much of…anything. We may feel internally motivated, but if we can’t summon the strength to break the pull of gravity, flicking through channels on the TV or scrolling through social media may be the maximum output we can muster. Plus, lack of energy can lead to a whole host of other unpleasant side effects like difficulty focusing, irritability, impatience, poor decision making, moodiness, and more. 

But fear not…if you or your clients are struggling in the energy department and you’re wondering what you can do to rev their inner motor, we’ve got you covered! 

Below, we’re sharing our 10 best tips and daily habits for maximizing energy. But first, let’s talk a bit about what saps energy in the first place. 

Why Do I Have No Energy?

Lack of energy can stem from several different factors. A few of the most common reasons include:

  • A poor night’s sleep
  • Poor diet (not eating enough, not eating the right foods, eating too much, etc)
  • Dehydration
  • Stress/overwork/burnout
  • Overexertion
  • Under exertion/being too sedentary
  • Poor posture
  • Boredom

Low-energy could also be a combination of all of the above. In some more serious instances, lack of energy can be the result of an underlying condition (like depression or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), and should be assessed by a medical professional. 

Most of the time, however, energy can be improved by making a few adjustments to a daily self-care routine. An emphasis on good sleep hygiene, stress management, proper nutrition, and daily movement can oftentimes help bring your energy back into balance so you can reap the most benefit from your day.

10 Ways To Get More Energy Fast

Here are some simple habits you can start incorporating into your daily routine, and encourage your clients to start to as well, to help you maintain your energy levels all day long. 

1. Drink Water First Thing after Waking

Before you make your coffee or tea, get dressed, and before you even brush your teeth—start your day with 16 oz of water minimum. 

Our bodies dehydrate naturally while we sleep, so we need to replenish them. Humans are made of about 60% water, and dehydration is one of the most common reasons we experience low energy. Lack of water causes our system to function less efficiently, slowing us down and making us feeling fatigued. To combat this, try drinking the equivalent of two full glasses first thing when you wake up and hydrating at continuous intervals throughout the day to help stabilize your energy.

Utilizing mobile apps and using really large water bottles can help if you tend to forget to take a swig. We’ve all heard that you should aim for 8 glasses a day, but that’s really more of a guideline. Let your thirst level and the color of your urine (it should be light in color) be your gauge. 

2. Mental Energy: Adopting an Energized Mindset 

Don’t underestimate the power of the mind to help you bring your best self to the day. If you wake up feeling tired and unmotivated, try visualizing the strongest, most energetic version of yourself. What does that version of you feel, look, and sound like? How does vibrant you act? Then make into your mind to step into that version of you. Saying an empowering affirmation out loud, like one of the following, can help: 

I can’t wait to start my day! 

I am energized and ready for whatever comes my way today.

I am rejuvenated and my body is full of energy. 

I am vibrantly and radiantly alive!

3. Get Energized By the Sun

Open up your curtains as soon as you get out of bed and let in some natural light. Exposing your body to bright light first thing helps regulate your circadian rhythm, boost energy, improve mood, and more.

If you can, try to also get outside for 10-15 minutes on your lunch break. Sunshine is reinvigorating and stimulates vitamin D production (which humans need healthy doses of to function properly), and the sudden increase in oxygen can help reawaken your brain and body.  

4. Take a (Cool) Refreshing Shower for an Energy Boost

Some people shower before they hit the hay, while others opt to suds up in the morning. We recommend showering in the morning to help wake your body and mind up, and ending with a jolt of cold water. 

Benefits of Showering with Colder Water

There are many benefits to immersing your body in cold water, including increasing endorphins and circulation, boosting metabolism, increasing resistance to illness, and more. Try turning the water down toward the end of your shower and soaking in the cooler temperature for two to three minutes. Each day, turn the temperature down a bit more until it’s on its coldest setting. Over time, your body will adjust and that shock of cold will really help to get you primed for the day.   

5. Try Essential Oils and Aromatherapy to Improve Energy Levels

Essential oils can give you a natural boost, and bonus—they smell amazing too! To perk up, try applying wild orange (which helps increase energy) or peppermint (which livens up your senses helping you feel more alert) to your wrists. Or try diffusing citrus (grapefruit is our favorite!) or eucalyptus in your space for a reinvigorating effect. 

6. Move Your Body to Generate More Natural Energy

Research shows that regular exercise can increase energy levels, and it can also help you get better sleep at night (win win!). Exercise strengthens the heart muscle and circulation, increases oxygen levels, releases endorphins, and improves energy levels. 

Try a Morning Workout Routine to Give Yourself a Boost

Try to make a habit of getting in some form of exercise first thing—even better if you do it outside! It doesn’t need to be an intense bootcamp session and it doesn’t need to be an hour long.

Walking or jogging is a great way to get your blood pumping. Or try some jumping jacks, a 5-minute jump rope session, a morning yoga session, or a quick ab workout. The point is to get moving…even just a few minutes can have a significant impact on how you feel. 

7. Eat Nutritious Foods for More Energy

Whether or not you should eat breakfast has long been a hot topic. But skipping breakfast can definitely contribute to low energy in the morning. Food is fuel and you’re more likely to make unhealthy choices later in the day if you neglect your morning meal, which can lead to an afternoon blood sugar crash.

Try eating a balanced, nutritious meal that includes healthy carbohydrates (think: fruit, veggies, whole grains) and some type of protein (nuts, eggs, dairy) to give you an energy boost and then help you maintain it until your next meal. Also, avoid sugar as much as you can, as it can cause you to crash. 

8. Listen to Upbeat Music or Sing a Song

Play your favorite upbeat song on full blast. Better yet, sing along. Studies have shown that waking up to a melody over an alarm clock can help decrease morning grogginess. In fact NASA has a long standing tradition of encouraging astronauts to wake up to music. (especially since sunlight and fresh air aren’t an option in space). 

Try these Uplifting Melodies to Start Your Day

Here’s a Spotify playlist of some wake up music NASA astronauts enjoy. What’s your favorite? Pro tip: dance like nobody’s watching for an extra energy boost!

9. Master Your Stress

Stress is a major energy vampire, so make sure to put your mental health first by taking time to engage in soothing and restorative activities. This will vary from person to person, but a few activities we find really helpful include writing down our worries and to dos (this frees up mental energy), talking to a friend, meditating/breathwork, doing yoga or engaging in a sweat sesh, and snuggling a pet or loved one. Fatigue can often stem from feeling overworked and overwhelmed, so it’s important to take time for you and to seek help if you need to. 

Develop a Stress Management Plan Just for You

Find out how you can get your stress under control with Health Coach Institute’s Master Your Stress program. This 6-week stress management program will teach how to create a plan that reduces fear and anxiety.

10. Practice Good Sleep Hygiene

Good sleep hygiene is the most important defense against daytime fatigue.

Life often gets in the way, but good sleep habits are too important to your mental health to ignore. Good sleep leads to good energy levels the next day, so focus on quality and quantity. A few suggestions: put screens away an hour before bed, make your sleep environment as dark, quiet, and comfortable as possible, avoid consuming alcohol at least three hours before bed, and set a standard bedtime and wake up time. 

Still Feeling Energy Sapped?

If, after trying the above ideas, you or your clients are still feeling fatigued, then we encourage you to reach out to a medical professional to check for any serious, underlying issues that may be affecting your energy levels. Some can be life-threatening, so don’t ignore your symptoms if lifestyle changes don’t eliminate the problem.

Join Health Coach Institute for Better Lifestyle

We hope these tips are helpful! Remember: you deserve to feel your best and you are capable of making the changes that will help you get there. You’ve got this! When you are ready to take the next step to improving your clients and your own lifestyle, check out some of HCI’s programs!


Health Coach Institute provides aspiring Health and Life Coaches with the tools, training, and support to make a great living transforming lives.