When it comes to health, a lot of people approach the holidays as a throw away season. (Think: binging on cookies or booze, staying up late, and skimping on a fitness regimen…among other unhealthy habits.) 

Unfortunately, the philosophy of “Let it all go and pick up the pieces next year,” is not a great tactic for developing sustainable long term wellness. Instead, you can help your clients find a way to build a foundation of health that is unwavering no matter what happens in the world around them. 

Don’t Wait for the New Year to Work on Healthy Habits

This season, work with your health coaching clients to establish healthy holiday self-care practices that will help them not only survive, but thrive through the season. The better your clients fare through the next couple of weeks, the more likely they are to be prepared to take on their health goals in the new year.

The Coaches at HCI know the holiday season can provide a whole plethora of challenges for clients to stay on track. Here are some of the top tips the Health Coach Institute team recommend to keep your clients feeling motivated as they move into a new year!

Spend Money Intentionally

As you know, health isn’t just about physical well-being. A thriving health coaching client is healthy in all aspects of their life, including in their bank account. The holiday season can be one of the most challenging times for financial health. This season presents an opportunity to help your clients navigate spending on presents, food, decorations and travel without disrupting their financial well-being.  

Here are a few easy tips to share with your clients to help them spend money intentionally this season:

DO: Be mindful about your purchases. Ask yourself, “is this really necessary, or am I buying impulsively?”

DON’T: Make emotional purchases or splurge on last-minute gifts. 

DO: Create a budget that fits your financial goals and stick to it.

DON’T: Feel that you need to please everyone, remember your financial future is more important than the perfect holiday party.

Stay Grounded When You Don’t Meet Eye to Eye

The holidays can bring up a lot of heavy emotions, which could lead to conflict with family, friends, and colleagues. Instead of letting conflict overwhelm their season, this time can be an opportunity for your clients to put their mindfulness practices to the test and find their center amidst holiday tensions. 

Here are a few easy tips to share with your clients to help them navigate difficult relationships this season:

DO: Keep up with a regular meditation practice to help navigate strong emotions when they arise.

DON’T: Try to solve long-standing conflicts at the holiday dinner table.

DO: Walk away when things start to heat up; a short break can help defuse the situation.

DON’T: Let it get to you. Remember that most conflicts have more to do with what is going on with the other person than what they truly think about you. Stay grounded and confident in your self-love.

Reduce Stress (and Boost Immune Health) for Holiday Travel

The holidays are the busiest times of the year for travel, which means more crowds and more stress. Prolonged elevated stress levels can detract from immune function, so it’s especially important that your clients manage their stress during this time. Helping your clients find stress reduction techniques that work for them can help them better navigate the season. You might also want to suggest that they boost their immune strength through smarter diet and lifestyle choices to avoid getting sick from seasonal stress. 

Here are a few easy tips to share with your clients to help them thrive through the busy travel season:

DO: Practice regular stress reduction techniques such as exercise, meditation, self-care and breathwork.

DON’T: Forget to breathe deeply during stressful situations. Try LSD (light, slow, deep) breathing, aiming to inhale/exhale 5-6 times per minute, for five minutes. 

DO: Eat nourishing whole foods with lots of vitamin C and zinc, and consider taking supplements that support immune-system health.

DON’T: Skimp on sleep – sleep deprivation can lead to hotter emotions and decreased immune function

Eat Veggies and Drink Enough Water Daily 

The holidays are full of tasty and indulgent foods, but an overload of added sugar, fat and processed junk can leave your clients feeling crummy. One simple way to counterbalance the treats of the season is to keep eating veggies. Suggest that your clients eat a vegetable at the beginning of every meal and hit the crudité before the other goodies at holiday parties. Veggies are satisfying, filling and full of healthy nutrients that will help them stay grounded during the holidays. Make sure that they’re keeping up with their water consumption too, as hydration is another simple step to achieving year-long health. 

Here are a few easy tips to share with your clients to inspire them to eat more vegetables and drink more water this holiday season: 

DO: Keep in mind the amazing health benefits tied to the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber in veggies. Remember: good nutrition now better serves your wellness long game. 

DO: Reach for a handful of vegetables before hitting the dessert table.

DON’T: Get lazy with your eating habits over the holidays; indulgence is fine, but keep it in check with wholesome, healthy foods (just like you do all year) so you can feel your best.

DO: Drink at least 64 ounces of water each day. No matter what. 

DON’T: Forget about warming herbal teas. These can be an easy way to hydrate and avoid that last cocktail of the night. 

Want to learn more about supporting your clients through nutrition? Request info about our 6-Month Nutrition Coach Program today. 

Stay in Control of Your Schedule 

With more social and work functions than any other time of the year, the holidays can be incredibly overwhelming. Losing control of their time and energy can spell disaster for your clients’ physical and mental health. Work with your clients to create and maintain boundaries that allow them to enjoy the season without feeling overwhelmed or overstretched. 

Here are a few easy tips to share with your clients to help them take control of their schedule: 

DO: Create boundaries, notice when saying yes to social functions drains your energy. Keep a journal to track your emotions and how you feel around making certain commitments. 

DON’T: Be afraid to say no. Your health is priority number one, discover the power of saying NO to activities that don’t serve your well-being.

DO: Let yourself have a little bit of fun. Don’t overstress about creating the perfect schedule. 

DON’T: Let holiday parties detract from getting ample sleep.

The holidays can be a very common time for your clients’ healthy habits to get knocked off track. This is totally normal, but with your support they can learn how to take care of their health no matter what the season. Maintaining a strong health foundation during the holidays can set your clients up for success as they head into the new year

Join HCI and Become a Health and Wellness Coach!

Health and Wellness coaches know how to navigate the holidays. Learn what it takes to become a coach within 6 months and by this time next year, you can be practicing and promoting wellness! Check out our Become a Health Coach program, or if you are currently a coach and looking for advanced training, you may be a good fit for our Coach Mastery program!


Health Coach Institute provides aspiring Health and Life Coaches with the tools, training, and support to make a great living transforming lives.