Day In The HCI Life With Chelsea Nielsen
Chelsea Nielson has been part of our HCI Community since July 2017 and has made some serious moves professionally and around the globe! Chelsea is a traveling Yoga teacher as well a Health and Abundance Coach. She is ecstatic to share a glimpse of her life as the Yoga Yachtie in this blog.
A Little About Me
Hello and thanks for being here! My name is Chelsea Nielsen, founder of A Mindful Life, LLC and known in the social sphere as The Yogi Yachtie. I am blessed to travel the world seasonally as a yoga teacher onboard private super-yachts and personally and professionally as a Health and Abundance Coach.
Though my lifestyle is full of so much abundance that I am endlessly grateful for, it was no piece of cake getting here. I was blessed to have had some tough things happen to me at a young age which manifested later on in high school as psoriasis and anxiety.
These lessons, coupled with my divorce in 2015, catapulted me towards a life of greatness that I never would have known otherwise. For many years now, it has been a process of slowly unraveling all that I thought to be true about myself and the world around me in order to get to where I am at today. This rebirth, through the process of unlearning, is now what fuels my passion and excitement to help others up and out of the trenches of heartbreak, scarcity, major life change, anxiety, and autoimmune disease into a life full of abundance, gratitude, and miracles!
A Passion for Helping Empower Others to Be Remarkable
It is now my mission to help women who may feel powerless in their circumstances write a whole new storybook and be empowered by their lifestyle choices in order to truly embody their most remarkable life yet.
How I Spend My Day
I’m excited to share with you the life that my partner Dmitri and I have chosen to live!
Days onboard are long hours and mostly all about cleaning, maintaining, and entertaining…so I won’t bore you with that. 😉
We are complete nomads, meaning at the moment we do not have a permanent home, and for the next two months, we are anchored up in a beautiful AirBnB on the coast of Panama. This particular unit has floor to ceiling windows, which allow for stargazing at night right from the comfort of our bed. We wake up to a spectacular view of the sun greeting us as it pops out of the Pacific Ocean in the morning. I’m much more of a night owl than a morning person, so it really is a treat to not have to set an alarm and wake up gently with the rising sun.
Creating a Thriving, Holistic Living Environment

My partner and I have created a lifestyle that is downstream and a complete package of holistic management for psoriasis and anxiety. This means that my early mornings are filled with preparing breakfast! By my Human Design, I do well with Intermittent Fasting, thus, morning time is all about liquids. I start on an empty belly with fresh celery juice. I blend 2-3 stalks with a cup of water then strain it.
Next, I move on to warm lemon water to prime digestion before I sit down at my “office” (currently our dining room table) to sip on my vegan protein shake and black coffee (depending on my mood I usually add a bit of collagen protein, ghee, or coconut oil to my coffee for some health benefits).
Time to Get Busy Working with Clients!
After breakfast, I’m so grateful to have a beautiful table to sit down at and get some work done for the day (it’s the small things you appreciate as a nomad)! This is when I spend time on clients calls, prepping my next group cleanse or writing (as I’m doing at this very moment). I prefer mornings to be a bit on a quieter side, so I typically have some soft music playing and I always have a candle burning for yummy wafts of scent and a warm atmosphere. My environment is super important to my vibes so fresh flowers and a great view are a bonus!
Don’t Forget to Take a Break During the Day
Mid-day is when I like to take a break from sitting and get outside. Depending on the circumstances, where we are in the world, and how I’m feeling, this is when I’d go for a long “Walk-N-Talk” with a friend, swim laps in the pool, do some gentle stretching or have a little lay down for a leisurely read or rest. I really believe that rest is extremely important and outstandingly underrated in our society that has conditioned us to believe that we always “must” and “should be” doing, creating, and producing more.
Guilt-free rest has been the key to unlocking most of my creative and energetic blocks. Typically, this is also when I’ll begin getting hungry for my first solid meal of the day. I really love the idea of cooking once and eating twice. I will cook more than enough food for Dmitri and I for dinner to be sure that we have leftovers the next day for lunch. In order to make the meal feel fresh, I will add some ripe avocado and spring greens, which typically works for almost anything that I’m having!
Hit the Afternoon Refreshed, Energized and Inspired
I’ll get a new jolt of inspiration after lunch so I get back to work. I’m a bit more energized in the afternoons so this is when I like to schedule recordings like podcasts and videos, create content for my blog and Instagram, or do my own self-work like talking to my therapist and other coaches in my mastermind group.
Dmitri is currently spending his time studying for a big exam he has in February. So after a full day of work and studies, we keep each other accountable to put it all down and spend quality time together. There’s a ping-pong table where we are staying right now and it has been our jam! This time together, exercising and having fun, is my absolute joy. We always have great laughs, talk about how the day went, bounce ideas off each other for the next day, and as an added bonus my ping-pong skills are getting pretty good! So the game turns into a friendly competition that brings us even closer and allows us to get a sweat on without feeling like we’re having to work for it. At this stage in my life, any movement that is fun is the only thing that I’m interested in. Though I do enjoy the occasional HIIT workout or 20 minutes on the elliptical, pleasure is a non-negotiable for me when it comes to exercise. I find that throughout the day if I incorporate regular pleasant movement, I give myself permission to let go of the relentless and heavy mantra of “I have to go to the gym.”
Incorporate Quality Time with Your Significant Other
Following afternoon movement together, we either make our way to the sauna or head home to shower and cook dinner. Dinnertime is also quality time together. We both love to cook and enjoy helping each other in the kitchen.
One of my favorite go-to recipes, especially in autumn and winter, is a super simple root vegetable roast. I love beets, red or purple potatoes, onions, and carrots (you can literally add any other hearty veggie here)! I cut them into bite-sized chunks, lather them up with either coconut, avocado, or grapeseed oil (these oils are more stable at high temperatures) and season them with an herb seasoning salt, pepper, and whatever other spices I feel like grabbing at that time. Bake at 350 degrees for about 40ish minutes and voila!
They should be hot and easy to stick a fork through. A couple of vegetables make plenty of food for dinner and there’s always leftovers for the next day to heat up again or eat cold on a salad.
Self-care is Not a Luxury, It’s a Necessity
Self-care is a buzzword that is currently used often in the world of health and wellness. For me, self-care is not a luxury, a reward for doing good/eating well/working out hard, expensive, or an added “thing to do” on my already long list. That’s counter-productive. Self-care is a lifestyle that involves reflective awareness and is accommodating to my current needs. It means that my daily choices are flexible, malleable, and consistently flowing with my dynamic, incredible body and vast emotions.
One practice that I use for self-care is super yummy and long Epsom Salt baths. After dinner, I absolutely love filling my tub with 4 cups of Epsom Salt (I’ll typically add 10 drops of essential oil to the salt) to soak. There are so many healing benefits and spiritual significance to pools of water, especially with salt, and for me, this is my time to give energy back to myself. By filling my own cup in this way, I can then give from the overflow. It would be impossible for me to show up for my partner, clients, family, and friends the way that I do if I didn’t take care of myself FIRST.
We always end the night together with prayer. For us, it is imperative that we give thanks for all that we have and ask for guidance in our lives together.
Final Thoughts on Living a Holistic Coaching Lifestyle
Creating this life by design has been one of trial and error. We have worked hard and financially planned ahead in order to travel the way we do. I have learned that as long as I keep showing up, even if I’m not 100% sure I know what I’m doing, then I am putting forward energy into my business and my life. I am constantly reevaluating if the energy I am giving is coming back to me in a balanced way. Knowing one’s worth (and sticking to it) is the magic ingredient to a downstream and abundant life.
If I am noticing that the scales of time and money are off, for example, if I have more free time than money or vice versa, I must make some adjustments to my output and where my focus is going.
Energy flows where attention goes. I am always asking myself, “What is it that I want more of and what must I let go, in order to fully receive it?”
Connect with Chelsea!
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