Good morning tribe! I’ve been pushing myself to wake up earlier these past few weeks, and what a difference that has made! I’m usually up during the 6 o’clock hour and can get some work done and set a focus for my day before my son wakes up and the busyness that is mama life begins. This shift has helped me feel like I’m living life, instead of life living me. Cheers to that!

As soon as our babysitter comes, I’m out the door for my workout. Either running or yoga. This is a non-negotiable part of my work day. Yes, you heard right. Work day. I show up so much better in every aspect of my life after I’ve gotten a sweat in. Of course, the health benefits, staying in shape, and feeling sexy in my clothes are perks. But I’m going to let you in on a little secret… That’s not why I do it. Not. At. All. A good sweat opens up all kinds of possibilities and ideas for me. I gain so much clarity with each drop of sweat lost. And really, I feel super badass! And who doesn’t want to feel that way?!

Then it’s time for a quick lunch. Do you guys know about GOMBBS? Please tell me you know about GOMBBS! If not, GOMBBS stands for Greens, Onions, Mushrooms, Beans, Berries, & Seeds. This group of superfoods helps you fight disease, things like obesity, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. You can usually find all 6 on my lunch plate, along with lots and lots of color.  The artist in me has way too much fun navigating the Whole Foods salad bar in search of at lease one item of every shade of the rainbow.

Hello office! You so pretty! Oh the struggle to keep her looking like this. But this is one of my non-negotiables as well. Clear the physical clutter and you clear the mental clutter as well. Every evening before my husband and I relax and unwind for the night, I head upstairs to my office and write down my primary priority for the next day.  The next day, I don’t do anything until this is done. Single pointed focus for the win!

One of my greatest passions as a health coach is helping busy moms create a safe home for their family to live in. I help other mamas just like me eliminate toxins from their lives so they and their children can lower their toxic burden. I spent so much time and energy figuring out how to do this for myself and my family, it’s now such a gift to help others go green! Essential oils are the most amazing tool with which to do this so I’m always passing out samples for others to try. I know they’ll fall in love, and it’s fun watching it happen! #sparkthechange

Off to meet with a wellness center to introduce myself and hopefully get a talk on the books! I used to have a “build it and they will come” mentality. But I’ve had to push myself out of my comfort zone SO MUCH as a health coach building my own business. People can’t come to you if they don’t know you exist, right? As Winnie the Pooh says, “You can’t stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.” Ain’t that the truth!

Work ends. Giggles begin. I’m so fortunate that the life I’m building and the business I’ve created allow me so much time with him.  Day after day, he sees me following my dreams and leaving the world slightly better than I found it. One of my driving motivations as a mother is to show my son how to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. Be kind, show up, and shine your light! Things I teach him, but really, he’s been teaching me all along.

Live Inspired,

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